Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hard Learning

It's always hard to get criticism, especially when you think you are doing everything right. People have given me praise since I started, well until now. I got my first bad evaluation. It's tough hearing the negative especially when it is something you strive for perfection in. All night I kept reading the comment section on my evaluation. There was nothing positive on it. I understand that I am still learning the ropes in emergency medicine but it is hard to not get the amazing reviews that you hope for. But after last night I learned something. You shouldn't let criticism bring you down. You should use it to encourage you to do even better. You can never rise if you are never brought down first. Everyone starts from the bottom and works their way up to the top. No one said it will be easy. I read a quote. It went something like this, failing is not falling down, but not getting up afterwards. That is exactly what I will do. I will get up. But I won't stop there. I will patch up the scratches and learn from my mistakes. I will learn what made me fall in the first place and use that to become a better person and hopefully one day a great physician. No one said this road will be easy but what is the fun if the road isn't bumpy....very bumpy. I'm not giving up on my dreams of becoming a doctor. My EMT life is only a brick that must be properly molded to set the foundation of my future. So I thank the people that gave me the bad review. Without it, my eyes would not be open as much as they are now.

This is just another brick in the wall of my dreams. Another step up to the stars.

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